Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries

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Neil is a rock star of science! He has to be one of the best spokesperson apart from Michio Kaku(I don’t actually know many 😛 ), his writing is funny, elegant, self explanatory, and to the point. He manages to take such complex topics and communicate to the common audience with such a simplicity. I’ve watched a lot of videos on YouTube and his famous reboot of Carl Sagan’s “The Cosmos, a space time odyssey”, he has this ability where he connects with audience effortlessly. The same shows in his writing too.

About the book, this is a good read for all those who likes to read about non-fiction science, even if you don’t know a lot technicalities of the topic you get hooked up to it quite comfortably. There is a lot of things that appear again and again but its okay, as this is not exactly a book rather a collections of his writings which was turned into a book. It offers a lot of stuff to the reader to ponder about. This is divided in several section each deals with one agenda, which is very smartly done.
He respects the laws of physics and is annoyed by the ignorance of the society to scientific fact. Here he has discussed the heap of knowledge that is out there for us to discover and what means do we have to finally understand the meaning of life. And yes, there is a lot of blackholes, quasars, supernovas(or super duper nova as he likes to call them), birth of stars, solar system, planets and universe if that’s what makes you tickle. 
It’s a great read, I’m looking forward to read other works of him.

Rating: 5 / 5

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