Eye of the Needle

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Genre: Thriller, Historical Fiction, Espionage
Author: Ken Follet

Synopsis: The backdrop of Eye of the Needle is World War II, 1940-1944. The allies are planning an invasion in Normandy. This invasion can change the course of the war in their direction. To ensure the victory, the allies create an elaborate deception. They lead the Germans to believe, they are planning the invasion from Calais, not Normandy.
The plan was full proof, until a German spy, Henry Fabre a.k.a ‘Die Nadel'(‘The Needle’) accidently discovers this ruse. Henry is cunning, smart and ruthless. He is best in the business. He holds the information, which can decide the fate of the war. Henry has to deliver this information to Hitler himself. He is on the run. And on his tail are, Godliman and Bloggs, from MI6.
And between Henry and his mission, is Lucy. Lucy lives in ‘Storm Island'(a remote island, far away from mainland) with her husband David and son Joe. David has lost his legs in a car accident. Lucy is unhappy in her marriage. And one day, Henry ends up on that island. Lucy unaware of who Henry really is, falls for him. And now, she’s the only one who can stop him and help Brits win the war.

My Thoughts: Ken Follet has taken up the real story of the Normandy invasion, and weaved a really engaging and thrilling tale. He has smartly created this fictional story with fictional characters, to dramatize the lead up to the invasion.
With his crisp and sharp writing, he has managed to create an edge-of-the-seat drama. The plot moves quickly and swiftly, without a dull moment. Even though as a reader you already know how the book is going end (because we all know Normandy invasion was a success), Ken’s storytelling keeps you engrossed in the story.

The lead of the story, Henry Fabre, is very well written. Even though you know he’s the villain of the story, you can’t help but empathize with him at times. He’s loyal to his country, and is ready to compromise his morals for the good of his country. He is ruthless but not inhuman. He kills people, but doesn’t enjoy it. There are lots of shades of black and white, which makes him a really intriguing character.
The other lead Lucy, doesn’t get enough time and is some what under developed. But her relationship with David, post the accident is very authentic. As a reader you sympathize with her and can understand her attraction towards Henry.

The action sequences involving Fabre are very keenly written. They are very vivid, enthralling and satisfying.
Ending of the book might not be the best of the endings you’ll read, but Ken manages to do justice with it.

This was my first Ken Follet book, and I’d have to say, I am really impressed with his writing. I have been meaning to read his Kingsbridge trilogy. Each book in this series is almost a 1000 page long. So before investing myself in this epic, I wanted to do a test read of his other work. And after Eye of the Needle, I am really looking forward to start the series.

My Rating:

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